Auto loan
You need a new car, a new means of transportation, GeneraledesFinance accompanies you.Our formula car loan allows you to finance the purchase of your new car under the standard conditions.
You want to finance your future personal vehicle: car, motorcycle, scooter, caravan, boat, electric bike ... with a Loan or a motorcycle Loan? New, opportunity less than a year, more one year, more than 2 years ... Sedan, hybrid, minivan, diesel or gasoline, collectible ... We are the solution with an interest rate of 3%.
New car loan
Vistra Capital Markets Trustees offers a new car loan at fair interest rates and adjustable repayment terms - fast execution, personalized service and absolute transparency in new car loans.
Preferable car
We have agreements on the widest range of authorized car dealerships Attractive loans for used cars Financing used cars available at Vistra Capital Markets Trustees.